Free Project Management Tools for 2022 + Software

People have many ideas – specifically business ideas – but the difference between a business idea and a business plan that can come to fruition can lie within your project management tools, or the lack thereof.

Even if you’re operating a business single-handedly – for example, an Etsy business or a business that you’re operating from home, it’s a good idea to use PM to get yourself get organized for yourself, and to practice for the employees that you might have one day! (Manifestation is the first step!)

So, I’ve compiled a list of useful Project Management software for you and your team.

  1. Dokkio – of course, I have to recommend Dokkio first! Though it’s touted mainly as a file organization software, Dokkio also allows you the ability to collaborate with your teammates through the use of Google Drive and Microsoft Teams (accessible through the Dokkio app itself, without even needing to open another tab). The best part is it’s FREE! The best way to kick off the New Year is by implementing good organization habits with you and your team. So not only do you get the PM software, but you’re also able to collaborate in real time thanks to the Google Drive integration AND have said Google Drive files automatically sorted for you. Get your free account here and sign up!
  2. Asana – if you’re needing to assign tasks to your teammates or even your boss, Asana can be a powerhouse tool for managing your team’s work, projects, and online tasks. Once a task is done, you can mark it complete and you’ll get an adorable confetti/unicorn mixture fly across your screen. It’s interactive and gamifies the entire work experience. Asana is free for teams of up to 15 people, but after that it’s $10.99 per user per month with some other caveats. Find their website here.
  3. Buffer – is there anyone that enjoys waking up at 5am to post to their Instagram story because that’s when their audience is online the most? I don’t think so. Buffer allows you to schedule your social media posts for free (up to 10 a week per social media outlet) so that you don’t have to miss out on your well deserved rest! After that, you can pay to schedule more posts through Buffer. Find their website here.
  4. Google Drive – Google Drive project management is free to a certain point; after a certain amount of data and storage, you’ll have to pay. See further pricing here in our Google Drive vs One Drive comparison post! Still, this makes it to our list because almost everyone is familiar with Google and it works on virtually any platform – teachers and students use it for almost everything, as well as many workplaces. You can use Google Drive in conjunction with Dokkio to organize all your team’s files and make sure nothing gets lost!
  5. Microsoft 365– Not necessarily free if you don’t have 365, but if you do, it comes with a multitude of project management tools to help you and your teams collaborate. Again, make sure to check our Google Drive vs One Drive comparison! OneDrive allows up to 5GB of storage for all you and your team’s files – so all of your projects that go into the OneDrive might add up. Dokkio is integrated with OneDrive as well, so all your files that you keep in there will be organized and ready to go for you as well. See about Microsoft’s PM software here.

Is there a software you use that you absolutely recommend that we missed? Is there a PM software that’s worth the price? Let us know in the comments!

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